“Nasz patriotyzm, ich szowinizm?” Rozmowa z Prof. V.Landsbergisem

MM Landsbergis

Mariusz Maszkiewicz Nasz patriotyzm, ich szowinizm? This is my long dialogue with prof. Vytautas Landsbergis held and recorded in 2009. My main goal was to present to polish readers the most important catalog of Polish prejudices and Lithuanians fears that … Continue reading →

Bezpieczeństwo i Tożsamość


Security and Identity “Freedom and Peace” Movement (1985-1990) and its international activity 7-8 October, Warsaw October 7th (Friday), 17.00 hrs – openning Presentations: Zbigniew Romaszewski (former dissident. active member of “Solidarity” Movement, Vice- Speaker of the SENAT, Higher Chamber of … Continue reading →