HomeWiPFundacja WiPBezpieczeństwo i Tożsamość

Security and Identity “Freedom and Peace” Movement (1985-1990) and its international activity

7-8 October, Warsaw

October 7th (Friday), 17.00 hrs – openning


Zbigniew Romaszewski (former dissident. active member of “Solidarity” Movement, Vice- Speaker of the SENAT, Higher Chamber of the Polish Parliament) „Human Rights in the international relations – differences between the 80-ties and present time”;

Jacek Czaputowicz (Co-founder of WiP, President of KSAP) „ Freedom and Peace Movement in the
international relations – a view from a quarter of a century perspective”.

17.30 – 20:30 hrs

Panel Debate I „Identity – Experience – Future” (Polish – Ukrainian context)

Participants from Ukraine: Alik Alisevych (one of informal leaders of the hippie movement in
Ukraine), Jaroslaw Hrytsak (Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv) Markijan Iwaszczyszyn (DZYGA Project,
Lviv), Myrosław Marynowycz (Deputy President of the Catholic Ukrainian University, Lviv); Mykoła Ryabczuk (Center of Ukrainian Culture Studies, Kiev),; Taras Woźniak (Editor in Chief of the „Ji” quarterly, Lviv),

Debate moderated
by Bogumiła Berdychowska and Christopher Bobinski

This part will focus on how dissidents and independent artists influence the basic threats of
a debate on identity and politics in Ukraine (context of Polish-Ukrainian relations; questions on bridge-building
in Europe). What are former dissidents up to these days, what is their status within
the society? Is their work publicly recognized? What is the condition of human
rights in nowadays Ukraine and how it is assessed by Ukrainian and Polish guests?

20.30- 22.30

Informal meeting and concert in the “7 Club”.

October 8th (Saturday), 9:30 – 10:00 hrs

Presentation of
a Publishing Project by WiP (Piotr Odrzywołek)

10.00 – 12.30 hrs
Panel Debate
Part II „Individual versus State – State versus ethical choices – historical
and present experience” (guests from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Austria and

Guests: Markus Meckel (former dissident and a last Minister of Foreign Affairs of DDR, former
MP) Wolfgang Templin (Head of H. Boell Found, Warsaw), Aleksander Podrabinek (former
dissident, human rights activist and an independent journalist from Moscow),
Franak Wiaczorka (opposition activist from Belarus), Florian Wenninger (University
of Vienna); Alik Alisevych (Lviv), Jerzy Kolarzowski (Warsaw University); Peter
Schwarz (Wien, Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichsichen Widerstandes)

Debate moderated by Zuzanna Dąbrowska and Dariusz Zalewski

This part will focus on the dilemma of public versus private life, as well as accommodation of
ethical, moral and religious issues to one’s social and political activity. What
does a comprise look like in a democratic state as compared to an authoritarian
or a totalitarian regime (case studies relating to each of the countries
represented at the conference?)? The place of the Freedom and Peace (WiP)
movement in the discussion in the 80’s and now.

Buffet lunch

13.00 – 15.00hrs

Panel Debate
Part III „Ethnic Minorities in the PRL and nowadays – is empathy possible in the
international relations?”

Guests: Taras
Woźniak (Lviv), Aleksander Milinkiewicz (Leader of the Movement „For Freedeom”,
Belarus); Tadeusz Gawin (former leader of the ZPB, Belarus); Bogdan Cywiński (publicist), Mariusz
Maszkiewicz (UKSW), Kornel Morawiecki (the leader of a „Fighting Solidarity”),
Mikołaj Iwanow (Opole University); Julian Z. Winnicki (Wrocław University);
Joanna Konieczna-Sałamatin (Warsaw University), guest form Lithuania
Debate moderated by Jerzy Żurko and Bogumiła Berdychowska (to be confirmed)

Polish experience of the 80ties – dialogue with Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and the
first questions on the Polish Eastern Policy after 1989.

Coffee Break

15.30 – 17.30 hrs

Panel Debate
Part IV „State security and a well being of an Individual” (Ethics – Economy – Raison
d’Etat; How to foster international relations?)

Participants: Maryana
Bułgakowa (“Legal Analytics”- EACLA, Lviv), Jan Haverkamp (Greenpeace).
Zbigniew Karaczun (SGGW, Warsaw) Andrzej Kassenberg
(The Institute for
Sustainable Development, Warsaw)
Debate moderated
by Jarosław Dubiel and Radosław Gawlik

This part will focus on a relation State – Individual in present times. Ecological and ethical
conflicts in the international relations. Key issues and questions that concern
Kyoto Protocol and nuclear energy.

Closing remarks – (17.30 – 17.45)


Polish-American Freedom Found (RITA Program, Education for Democracy)H. Bőll, Stiftung (Warsaw), Austrian Culture Forum (Warsaw),
Fund for Freedom (Wrocław), PAUCI Fundation, NSZZ “Solidarność”, Found for
Poles in the former Soviet States (Fundacja Pomocy Polakom na Wschodzie); Ministry
of the Foreign Affairs (Polish Embassies in Kiev and Moscow).

Media partners
Polish National Radio Program I ; Kultura Enter
(monthly); TV BELSAT, Kultura liberalna (monthly); www.tezeusz.pl ; “Nowa Europa Wschodnia”
monthly( www.neww.org.pl) ;

For details: www.tezeusz.pl e-mail konferencjawip@gmail.com

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